Work Permits
All students grades 9-12 are eligible to get a work permit from school if they are passing their classes satisfactorily and have a cumulative 2.0 GPA or better. (If your GPA is lower than 2.0 come see your counselor to discuss a plan).
First you need to start looking for a job. Fill out as many applications as you can.
Once invited to interviews take a copy of the Intent to Employ a Minor form.
1) Steps on filing out the Intent to Employ a Minor form:
Fill out the Intent to Employ a Minor application.
(The following 3 sections have to be filled out: Minor’s Information, Parent/Legal Guardian section, Employer section.)
(The following 3 sections have to be filled out: Minor’s Information, Parent/Legal Guardian section, Employer section.)
2) Submit filled out Intent to Employ a Minor form electronically or in person.
Email your Counselor Mrs. Palischuk (grades 9, 11) , Mrs. Kuzmenko (grades 10, 12) and a Work Permit will be emailed to your school email.
In person
Bring the filled out Intent to Employ a Minor form to your school Counselor during school hours and get a hard copy of the work permit.